ACC1012: Professional Skills for Accounting & Finance
ACC1053: Introductory Quantitative Methods & Principles of Taxation

Dr. James Waldron / Dr. Kevin Wilson

Newcastle University

Summer exam

There is a single, two-hour examination for the maths and stats element of ACC1012/ACC1053. This will take place in the semester 2 exam period, and will cover all parts of the syllabus - both semesters 1 and 2. The exam counts for 50% of the course as a whole.

The exam paper will be in "write-on" format, which means you will write your solutions to each question in the spaces provided. You should attempt all questions in the exam.

We will have time for some revision work in class after the Easter vacation. There will also be optional "drop-in" sessions for you to ask any revision questions you might have. These will be advertised in lectures after Easter.

The exam paper from 2013 can be found here; the same paper, with solutions inserted, can be downloaded here.

You will be given a formula booklet to use in the exam paper - there will be very few formulae you need to memorise!

The revision material with solutions is now available to download.