Photo of Guiyuan Lei

Dr Guiyuan Lei
University of Newcastle
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

CISBAN Internal wiki

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I am a research associate with Centre for the Integrated Systems Biology of Aging and Nutrition (CISBAN). I joined CISBAN in November 2005. My work is focus on Bayesian inference the parameters and structure of biochemical network models from experimental data. I am currently working on Graphical Gaussian models for genetic regulatory networks.

Before I came to UK I spent two years (2003-2005) as post-doc with the division of computational biology, Department of Physics and Measurement Technology (IFM), Linkoping University, Sweden. I worked on reverse engineering on genetic regulatory networks. The models I used are Bayesian Networks and Ordinary Differiential Equations.

I graduated from Zhejiang University, China and got my Ph.D in Science on the topic "Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods" (In Chinese) in June, 2003. I majored in Computational Mathematics and Applied Software when I was an undergraduate student and continued graduate research in Computational Mathematics.

Within this site, I put my research, resource on System Biology, notes related to my daily work and some personal issures (including travel photos). If you have any comments about this site, please email


Latest contents:
  1. Condor checkpoint, necessary for long time condor jobs. 16 July, 2008 view it
  2. Tips on running several condor jobs with input files and output files. 30 May, 2008 view it
  3. Presentation "Tutorial: analysing Microarray data using BioConductor". 13 Feb, 2008 view it
  4. The use of R packages to analyse data. 8 January, 2008 view it
  5. Resource on Gaussian Papers. 11 October, 2007 view it
  6. The use of Cytoscape: a nice software for molecular interaction networks visualizing and integrating. 27 June, 2006 view it
  7. Metropolis Hasting search for Gaussian Graph. 9 June, 2006 view it
  8. Compile C++ program which using fortran package in lammpi (6 April, 2006) and lamboot with specific nodes (27 March, 2006).
  9. Use of Bioconductor (14 March, 2006)
  10. HdBCS (Bayesian Covariance Selection in High-Dimensions) and Configure ssh for running MPICH (27 Feb, 2006).

10 March, 2006

Last modified:
16 July, 2008