Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Package cern.jet.random.tdouble.engine

Engines generating strong uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers; Needed by all JET probability distributions since they rely on uniform random numbers to generate random numbers from their own distribution.


Interface Summary
RandomGenerator Interface for uniform pseudo-random number generators.

Class Summary
DoubleMersenneTwister MersenneTwister (MT19937) is one of the strongest uniform pseudo-random number generators known so far; at the same time it is quick.
DoubleRandomEngine Abstract base class for uniform pseudo-random number generating engines.
DRand Quick medium quality uniform pseudo-random number generator.
MersenneTwister64 Same as MersenneTwister except that method raw() returns 64 bit random numbers instead of 32 bit random numbers.
RandomSeedGenerator Deterministic seed generator for pseudo-random number generators.
RandomSeedTable (Seemingly gigantic) table of good seeds for pseudo-random number generators.

Package cern.jet.random.tdouble.engine Description

Engines generating strong uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers; Needed by all JET probability distributions since they rely on uniform random numbers to generate random numbers from their own distribution. Thus, the classes of this package are at the core of computational statistics, simulations, Monte Carlo methods, etc.

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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