Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Package cern.jet.random.tdouble.sampling

Samples (picks) random subsets of data sequences.


Class Summary
DoubleRandomSampler Space and time efficiently computes a sorted Simple Random Sample Without Replacement (SRSWOR), that is, a sorted set of n random numbers from an interval of N numbers; Example: Computing n=3 random numbers from the interval [1,50] may yield the sorted random set (7,13,47).
DoubleRandomSamplingAssistant Conveniently computes a stable Simple Random Sample Without Replacement (SRSWOR) subsequence of n elements from a given input sequence of N elements; Example: Computing a sublist of n=3 random elements from a list (1,...,50) may yield the sublist (7,13,47).
WeightedDoubleRandomSampler Conveniently computes a stable subsequence of elements from a given input sequence; Picks (samples) exactly one random element from successive blocks of weight input elements each.

Package cern.jet.random.tdouble.sampling Description

Samples (picks) random subsets of data sequences.

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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