Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Class DRand

  extended by cern.colt.PersistentObject
      extended by cern.jet.random.tdouble.engine.DoubleRandomEngine
          extended by cern.jet.random.tdouble.engine.DRand
All Implemented Interfaces:
DoubleFunction, IntFunction, LongFunction, Serializable, Cloneable

public class DRand
extends DoubleRandomEngine

Quick medium quality uniform pseudo-random number generator. Produces uniformly distributed int's and long's in the closed intervals [Integer.MIN_VALUE,Integer.MAX_VALUE] and [Long.MIN_VALUE,Long.MAX_VALUE], respectively, as well as float's and double's in the open unit intervals (0.0f,1.0f) and (0.0,1.0), respectively.

The seed can be any integer satisfying 0 < 4*seed+1 < 232. In other words, there must hold seed >= 0 && seed < 1073741823.

Quality: This generator follows the multiplicative congruential method of the form

z(i+1) = a * z(i) (mod m) with a=663608941 (=0X278DDE6DL), m=232.
z(i) assumes all different values 0 < 4*seed+1 < m during a full period of 230.

Performance: TO_DO

Implementation: TO_DO

Note that this implementation is not synchronized.

1.0, 09/24/99
See Also:
DoubleMersenneTwister, Random, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int DEFAULT_SEED
Constructor Summary
          Constructs and returns a random number generator with a default seed, which is a constant.
DRand(Date d)
          Constructs and returns a random number generator seeded with the given date.
DRand(int seed)
          Constructs and returns a random number generator with the given seed.
Method Summary
 int nextInt()
          Returns a 32 bit uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [Integer.MIN_VALUE,Integer.MAX_VALUE] (including Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE).
Methods inherited from class cern.jet.random.tdouble.engine.DoubleRandomEngine
apply, apply, apply, makeDefault, nextDouble, nextFloat, nextLong, raw
Methods inherited from class cern.colt.PersistentObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_SEED
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DRand()
Constructs and returns a random number generator with a default seed, which is a constant.


public DRand(int seed)
Constructs and returns a random number generator with the given seed.

seed - should not be 0, in such a case DRand.DEFAULT_SEED is substituted.


public DRand(Date d)
Constructs and returns a random number generator seeded with the given date.

d - typically new java.util.Date()
Method Detail


public int nextInt()
Returns a 32 bit uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [Integer.MIN_VALUE,Integer.MAX_VALUE] (including Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE).

Specified by:
nextInt in class DoubleRandomEngine

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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