Handling Medical Data
A course for Pre-medical students

This course is based around video tapes which are obtained from, and should be returned to, Mrs Stella Knaggs, Department of Statistics, 4th floor, Merz Court: ext. 7196, email stella.knaggs@ncl.ac.uk

Aims of the course can be obtained here and a summary is available.

Practical sheets for the course are also available from this page, as are the solutions.  Solutions will be made accessible after the practicals, or in the case of practicals 4 and 8 which form part of the in-course assessment, after they have been handed in.

Miscellaneous items on this page include the introductory questions, a crib sheet on logarithms and the group clinical trials practical. Also an example Minitab dataset is available here.

The December self-assessment test and solutions, the Christmas project and a mock exam and solutions will be made available at appropriate times through the year.  An old exam paper is here

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