Parallel Colt 0.9.4


I/O operations with matrices and vectors.


Class Summary
MatrixInfo Contains information on a matrix in the Matrix Market exchange format.
MatrixSize Contains the size of a matrix stored in the Matrix Market exchange format
MatrixVectorReader Reads matrices and vectors
MatrixVectorWriter Writes matrices and vectors
VectorInfo Contains information on a vector in a variant of the Matrix Market exchange format
VectorSize Contains the size of a vector stored in a variant of the Matrix Market exchange format

Enum Summary
MatrixInfo.MatrixField What kind of numbers are stored
MatrixInfo.MatrixSymmetry Symmetry structure of the matrix, if any
VectorInfo.VectorField What kind of numbers are stored

Package Description

I/O operations with matrices and vectors. The formats supported are:

The Harwell-Boeing format is not supported.

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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