Parallel Colt 0.9.4
Class VectorInfo

  extended by

public class VectorInfo
extends Object

Contains information on a vector in a variant of the Matrix Market exchange format

Nested Class Summary
static class VectorInfo.VectorField
          What kind of numbers are stored
Constructor Summary
VectorInfo(boolean sparse, VectorInfo.VectorField field)
          Creates a specific type
Method Summary
 boolean isArray()
          Returns true if the vector is in array format, else false
 boolean isComplex()
          Returns true if the vector stores complex numbers, else false
 boolean isCoordinate()
          Returns true if the vector is in coordinate format, else false
 boolean isDense()
          Returns true if the vector is in array format, else false
 boolean isInteger()
          Returns true if the vector stores integers, else false
 boolean isPattern()
          Returns true if the vector does not store any numbers, else false
 boolean isReal()
          Returns true if the vector stores real numbers, else false
 boolean isSparse()
          Returns true if the vector is in coordinate format, else false
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of the specifier.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public VectorInfo(boolean sparse,
                  VectorInfo.VectorField field)
Creates a specific type

sparse - True for sparse vectors, else false
field - Type of data stored
Method Detail


public boolean isSparse()
Returns true if the vector is in coordinate format, else false


public boolean isCoordinate()
Returns true if the vector is in coordinate format, else false


public boolean isDense()
Returns true if the vector is in array format, else false


public boolean isArray()
Returns true if the vector is in array format, else false


public boolean isReal()
Returns true if the vector stores real numbers, else false


public boolean isInteger()
Returns true if the vector stores integers, else false


public boolean isComplex()
Returns true if the vector stores complex numbers, else false


public boolean isPattern()
Returns true if the vector does not store any numbers, else false


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the specifier. Can be used to provide a header for writing to a file. It is a two-line output, which can look like this:
      %%MatrixMarket vector coordinate real

toString in class Object

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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