Nicholas Young

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Senior Research Investigator
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics
Newcastle University

Research interests

Mathematical analysis, particularly operators on Hilbert space; complex analysis; H infinity control.
My Leeds web page tends to be more up-to-date.

Current research

I am collaborating with Jim Agler (UC San Diego) and Zinaida Lykova (Newcastle University) on a) function theory and geometry of the symmetrised bidisc and b) the extension of some classical theorems of function theory to functions of two or more variables. I am also writing a book with Jim Agler and John McCarthy on the use of operator theory in complex analysis.

Recent articles

My most recent papers are:

Click here for abstracts and bibliographic details of recent publications (1999-present).
Preprints of papers which have not yet appeared are on the eprint archive.

Here is my full publication list as a pdf file.

Some recent lectures

Former students

Former students

Professor Fang-bo Yeh, until recently President of Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan. Sadly he died suddenly in 2014.
Peter Quiggin. He works for a service company for the offshore oil industry. His thesis Generalisations of Pick's Theorem to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces is available from Lancaster University Library, or alternatively from here .
David Ogle. He works in the nuclear power industry. Here is his thesis Operator and Function Theory of the Symmetrized Polydisc, 1999, in Newcastle University Library, or alternatively here.
Alaa Abouhajar. She now works in medical statistics. Her thesis Function theory related to H infinity control, is accessible in Newcastle University Library.
I was also `second supervisor' of the following students of Dr Zinaida Lykova of Newcastle University.
David Brown (PhD, 2016).
Amos Ajibo (PhD, 2019).

Contact details

My email address is Nicholas.Young (at sign) or N.J.Young (at sign)
I am also a Research Professor in the School of Mathematics, Leeds University.

Updated 6th March, 2019