ACC1012: Professional Skills for Accounting & Finance
ACC1053: Introductory Quantitative Methods & Principles of Taxation

Dr. James Waldron / Dr. Kevin Wilson

Newcastle University

Summer Revision

Congratulations to those who have just got a place at Newcastle University!

As a new Accounting & Finance / Business Accounting & Finance student, you will take a module called Professional Skills for Accounting and Finance / Introductory Quantitative Methods.

One of the main aims of this module is to equip you with the basic skills in Mathematics and Statistics that you will need throughout the rest of your degree course; the main aim of this webpage is to let you know what we'll expect of you, in terms of Maths and Stats, before you come to Newcastle in September!

Before you join us in September, we'd like you to do two things:

Summer Revision Booklet

The summer revision booklet is designed to refresh your memory on some key ideas and techniques in Maths and Stats that you'll need before you start the Professional Skills module. We recommend that you read the revision booklet carefully and then test yourself with the Numbas exam.

Numbas tests

Numbas is our system for providing computer based tests. Not only can it be used to perform formal assessment exercises, but it can be used freely as a way for you to practice your skills. Please try the Introduction first - once you're happy with how to use the system, try our test! Don't worry - we're not looking at your work - it's just for your own practice!

Introduction to Numbas

This is an introduction to Numbas designed to teach you how to use and input your answer into Numbas correctly. It walks you through using the software and the input methods for writing equations.

Summer revision test

Once you're familiar with using Numbas and the material in the summer revision booklet, practice your skills with this special Numbas exercise. There might even be a test on this stuff when you arrive.

Other resources

Possibly more documents video links, and other "bits-and-bobs"?