Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Class FloatUniform

  extended by cern.colt.PersistentObject
      extended by cern.jet.random.tfloat.AbstractFloatDistribution
          extended by cern.jet.random.tfloat.AbstractContinousFloatDistribution
              extended by cern.jet.random.tfloat.FloatUniform
All Implemented Interfaces:
FloatFunction, IntFunction, Serializable, Cloneable

public class FloatUniform
extends AbstractContinousFloatDistribution

Uniform distribution; Math definition and animated definition.

Instance methods operate on a user supplied uniform random number generator; they are unsynchronized.

Static methods operate on a default uniform random number generator; they are synchronized.

1.0, 09/24/99
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
FloatUniform(float min, float max, FloatRandomEngine randomGenerator)
          Constructs a uniform distribution with the given minimum and maximum.
FloatUniform(float min, float max, int seed)
          Constructs a uniform distribution with the given minimum and maximum, using a FloatMersenneTwister seeded with the given seed.
FloatUniform(FloatRandomEngine randomGenerator)
          Constructs a uniform distribution with min=0.0 and max=1.0.
Method Summary
 float cdf(float x)
          Returns the cumulative distribution function (assuming a continous uniform distribution).
 boolean nextBoolean()
          Returns a uniformly distributed random boolean.
 float nextFloat()
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the open interval (min,max) (excluding min and max).
 float nextFloatFromTo(float from, float to)
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the open interval (from,to) (excluding from and to).
 int nextInt()
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [min,max] (including min and max).
 int nextIntFromTo(int from, int to)
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [from,to] (including from and to).
 long nextLongFromTo(long from, long to)
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [from,to] (including from and to).
 float pdf(float x)
          Returns the probability distribution function (assuming a continous uniform distribution).
 void setState(float min, float max)
          Sets the internal state.
static boolean staticNextBoolean()
          Returns a uniformly distributed random boolean.
static float staticNextFloat()
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the open interval (0,1) (excluding 0 and 1).
static float staticNextFloatFromTo(float from, float to)
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the open interval (from,to) (excluding from and to).
static int staticNextIntFromTo(int from, int to)
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [from,to] (including from and to).
static long staticNextLongFromTo(long from, long to)
          Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [from,to] (including from and to).
static void staticSetRandomEngine(FloatRandomEngine randomGenerator)
          Sets the uniform random number generation engine shared by all static methods.
 String toString()
          Returns a String representation of the receiver.
Methods inherited from class cern.jet.random.tfloat.AbstractFloatDistribution
apply, apply, clone, makeDefaultGenerator
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FloatUniform(float min,
                    float max,
                    int seed)
Constructs a uniform distribution with the given minimum and maximum, using a FloatMersenneTwister seeded with the given seed.


public FloatUniform(float min,
                    float max,
                    FloatRandomEngine randomGenerator)
Constructs a uniform distribution with the given minimum and maximum.


public FloatUniform(FloatRandomEngine randomGenerator)
Constructs a uniform distribution with min=0.0 and max=1.0.

Method Detail


public float cdf(float x)
Returns the cumulative distribution function (assuming a continous uniform distribution).


public boolean nextBoolean()
Returns a uniformly distributed random boolean.


public float nextFloat()
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the open interval (min,max) (excluding min and max).

Specified by:
nextFloat in class AbstractFloatDistribution


public float nextFloatFromTo(float from,
                             float to)
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the open interval (from,to) (excluding from and to). Pre conditions: from <= to.


public int nextInt()
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [min,max] (including min and max).

nextInt in class AbstractFloatDistribution


public int nextIntFromTo(int from,
                         int to)
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [from,to] (including from and to). Pre conditions: from <= to.


public long nextLongFromTo(long from,
                           long to)
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [from,to] (including from and to). Pre conditions: from <= to.


public float pdf(float x)
Returns the probability distribution function (assuming a continous uniform distribution).


public void setState(float min,
                     float max)
Sets the internal state.


public static boolean staticNextBoolean()
Returns a uniformly distributed random boolean.


public static float staticNextFloat()
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the open interval (0,1) (excluding 0 and 1).


public static float staticNextFloatFromTo(float from,
                                          float to)
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the open interval (from,to) (excluding from and to). Pre conditions: from <= to.


public static int staticNextIntFromTo(int from,
                                      int to)
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [from,to] (including from and to). Pre conditions: from <= to.


public static long staticNextLongFromTo(long from,
                                        long to)
Returns a uniformly distributed random number in the closed interval [from,to] (including from and to). Pre conditions: from <= to.


public static void staticSetRandomEngine(FloatRandomEngine randomGenerator)
Sets the uniform random number generation engine shared by all static methods.

randomGenerator - the new uniform random number generation engine to be shared.


public String toString()
Returns a String representation of the receiver.

toString in class Object

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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