Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Class IntFunctions

  extended by cern.jet.math.tint.IntFunctions

public class IntFunctions
extends Object

Int Function objects to be passed to generic methods. Same as DoubleFunctions except operating on longs.

For aliasing see intFunctions.

1.0, 09/24/99

Field Summary
static IntFunction abs
          Function that returns Math.abs(a) == (a < 0) ? -a : a.
static IntIntFunction and
          Function that returns a & b.
static IntIntFunction compare
          Function that returns a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0.
static IntFunction dec
          Function that returns a--.
static IntIntFunction div
          Function that returns a / b.
static IntIntFunction divNeg
          Function that returns -(a / b).
static IntIntFunction equals
          Function that returns a == b ? 1 : 0.
static IntFunction factorial
          Function that returns (int) Arithmetic.factorial(a).
static IntFunction identity
          Function that returns its argument.
static IntFunction inc
          Function that returns a++.
static IntFunctions intFunctions
          Little trick to allow for "aliasing", that is, renaming this class.
static IntIntProcedure isEqual
          Function that returns a == b.
static IntIntProcedure isGreater
          Function that returns a > b.
static IntIntProcedure isLess
          Function that returns a < b.
static IntIntFunction max
          Function that returns Math.max(a,b).
static IntIntFunction min
          Function that returns Math.min(a,b).
static IntIntFunction minus
          Function that returns a - b.
static IntIntFunction mod
          Function that returns a % b.
static IntIntFunction mult
          Function that returns a * b.
static IntIntFunction multNeg
          Function that returns -(a * b).
static IntIntFunction multSquare
          Function that returns a * b^2.
static IntFunction neg
          Function that returns -a.
static IntFunction not
          Function that returns ~a.
static IntIntFunction or
          Function that returns a | b.
static IntIntFunction plus
          Function that returns a + b.
static IntIntFunction plusAbs
          Function that returns Math.abs(a) + Math.abs(b).
static IntIntFunction pow
          Function that returns (int) Math.pow(a,b).
static IntIntFunction shiftLeft
          Function that returns a << b.
static IntIntFunction shiftRightSigned
          Function that returns a >> b.
static IntIntFunction shiftRightUnsigned
          Function that returns a >>> b.
static IntFunction sign
          Function that returns a < 0 ? -1 : a > 0 ? 1 : 0.
static IntFunction square
          Function that returns a * a.
static IntIntFunction xor
          Function that returns a ^ b.
Method Summary
static IntFunction and(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a & b.
static IntFunction between(int from, int to)
          Constructs a function that returns (from<=a && a<=to) ? 1 : 0.
static IntFunction bindArg1(IntIntFunction function, int c)
          Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the first operand (argument) fixed to the given constant c.
static IntFunction bindArg2(IntIntFunction function, int c)
          Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the second operand (argument) fixed to the given constant c.
static IntFunction chain(IntFunction g, IntFunction h)
          Constructs the function g( h(a) ).
static IntIntFunction chain(IntFunction g, IntIntFunction h)
          Constructs the function g( h(a,b) ).
static IntIntFunction chain(IntIntFunction f, IntFunction g, IntFunction h)
          Constructs the function f( g(a), h(b) ).
static IntFunction compare(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0.
static IntFunction constant(int c)
          Constructs a function that returns the constant c.
static IntFunction div(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a / b.
static IntFunction equals(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a == b ? 1 : 0.
static IntProcedure isBetween(int from, int to)
          Constructs a function that returns from<=a && a<=to.
static IntProcedure isEqual(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a == b.
static IntProcedure isGreater(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a > b.
static IntProcedure isLess(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a < b.
static IntFunction max(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns Math.max(a,b).
static IntFunction min(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns Math.min(a,b).
static IntFunction minus(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a - b.
static IntIntFunction minusMult(int constant)
          Constructs a function that returns a - b*constant.
static IntFunction mod(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a % b.
static IntFunction mult(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a * b.
static IntIntFunction multSecond(int constant)
          Constructs a function that returns b*constant.
static IntFunction or(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a | b.
static IntFunction plus(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a + b.
static IntIntFunction plusMultFirst(int constant)
          Constructs a function that returns a * constant + b.
static IntIntFunction plusMultSecond(int constant)
          Constructs a function that returns a + b*constant.
static IntFunction pow(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns (int) Math.pow(a,b).
static IntFunction random()
          Constructs a function that returns a 32 bit uniformly distributed random number in the closed longerval [Int.MIN_VALUE,Int.MAX_VALUE] (including Int.MIN_VALUE and Int.MAX_VALUE).
static IntFunction shiftLeft(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a << b.
static IntFunction shiftRightSigned(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a >> b.
static IntFunction shiftRightUnsigned(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a >>> b.
static IntIntFunction swapArgs(IntIntFunction function)
          Constructs a function that returns function.apply(b,a), i.e.
static IntFunction xor(int b)
          Constructs a function that returns a | b.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final IntFunctions intFunctions
Little trick to allow for "aliasing", that is, renaming this class. Writing code like


is a bit awkward, to say the least. Using the aliasing you can instead write

IntFunctions F = IntFunctions.longFunctions;


public static final IntFunction abs
Function that returns Math.abs(a) == (a < 0) ? -a : a.


public static final IntFunction dec
Function that returns a--.


public static final IntFunction factorial
Function that returns (int) Arithmetic.factorial(a).


public static final IntFunction identity
Function that returns its argument.


public static final IntFunction inc
Function that returns a++.


public static final IntFunction neg
Function that returns -a.


public static final IntFunction not
Function that returns ~a.


public static final IntFunction sign
Function that returns a < 0 ? -1 : a > 0 ? 1 : 0.


public static final IntFunction square
Function that returns a * a.


public static final IntIntFunction and
Function that returns a & b.


public static final IntIntFunction compare
Function that returns a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0.


public static final IntIntFunction div
Function that returns a / b.


public static final IntIntFunction divNeg
Function that returns -(a / b).


public static final IntIntFunction equals
Function that returns a == b ? 1 : 0.


public static final IntIntProcedure isEqual
Function that returns a == b.


public static final IntIntProcedure isLess
Function that returns a < b.


public static final IntIntProcedure isGreater
Function that returns a > b.


public static final IntIntFunction max
Function that returns Math.max(a,b).


public static final IntIntFunction min
Function that returns Math.min(a,b).


public static final IntIntFunction minus
Function that returns a - b.


public static final IntIntFunction mod
Function that returns a % b.


public static final IntIntFunction mult
Function that returns a * b.


public static final IntIntFunction multNeg
Function that returns -(a * b).


public static final IntIntFunction multSquare
Function that returns a * b^2.


public static final IntIntFunction or
Function that returns a | b.


public static final IntIntFunction plus
Function that returns a + b.


public static final IntIntFunction plusAbs
Function that returns Math.abs(a) + Math.abs(b).


public static final IntIntFunction pow
Function that returns (int) Math.pow(a,b).


public static final IntIntFunction shiftLeft
Function that returns a << b.


public static final IntIntFunction shiftRightSigned
Function that returns a >> b.


public static final IntIntFunction shiftRightUnsigned
Function that returns a >>> b.


public static final IntIntFunction xor
Function that returns a ^ b.

Method Detail


public static IntFunction and(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a & b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction between(int from,
                                  int to)
Constructs a function that returns (from<=a && a<=to) ? 1 : 0. a is a variable, from and to are fixed.


public static IntFunction bindArg1(IntIntFunction function,
                                   int c)
Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the first operand (argument) fixed to the given constant c. The second operand is variable (free).

function - a binary function taking operands in the form function.apply(c,var).
the unary function function(c,var).


public static IntFunction bindArg2(IntIntFunction function,
                                   int c)
Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the second operand (argument) fixed to the given constant c. The first operand is variable (free).

function - a binary function taking operands in the form function.apply(var,c).
the unary function function(var,c).


public static IntFunction chain(IntFunction g,
                                IntFunction h)
Constructs the function g( h(a) ).

g - a unary function.
h - a unary function.
the unary function g( h(a) ).


public static IntIntFunction chain(IntFunction g,
                                   IntIntFunction h)
Constructs the function g( h(a,b) ).

g - a unary function.
h - a binary function.
the unary function g( h(a,b) ).


public static IntIntFunction chain(IntIntFunction f,
                                   IntFunction g,
                                   IntFunction h)
Constructs the function f( g(a), h(b) ).

f - a binary function.
g - a unary function.
h - a unary function.
the binary function f( g(a), h(b) ).


public static IntFunction compare(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction constant(int c)
Constructs a function that returns the constant c.


public static IntFunction div(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a / b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction equals(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a == b ? 1 : 0. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntProcedure isBetween(int from,
                                     int to)
Constructs a function that returns from<=a && a<=to. a is a variable, from and to are fixed.


public static IntProcedure isEqual(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a == b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntProcedure isGreater(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a > b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntProcedure isLess(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a < b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction max(int b)
Constructs a function that returns Math.max(a,b). a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction min(int b)
Constructs a function that returns Math.min(a,b). a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction minus(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a - b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntIntFunction minusMult(int constant)
Constructs a function that returns a - b*constant. a and b are variables, constant is fixed.


public static IntFunction mod(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a % b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction mult(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a * b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction or(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a | b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction plus(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a + b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntIntFunction multSecond(int constant)
Constructs a function that returns b*constant.


public static IntFunction pow(int b)
Constructs a function that returns (int) Math.pow(a,b). a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntIntFunction plusMultSecond(int constant)
Constructs a function that returns a + b*constant. a and b are variables, constant is fixed.


public static IntIntFunction plusMultFirst(int constant)
Constructs a function that returns a * constant + b. a and b are variables, constant is fixed.


public static IntFunction random()
Constructs a function that returns a 32 bit uniformly distributed random number in the closed longerval [Int.MIN_VALUE,Int.MAX_VALUE] (including Int.MIN_VALUE and Int.MAX_VALUE). Currently the engine is DoubleMersenneTwister and is seeded with the current time.

Note that any random engine derived from DoubleRandomEngine and any random distribution derived from AbstractDoubleDistribution are function objects, because they implement the proper longerfaces. Thus, if you are not happy with the default, just pass your favourite random generator to function evaluating methods.


public static IntFunction shiftLeft(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a << b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction shiftRightSigned(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a >> b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntFunction shiftRightUnsigned(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a >>> b. a is a variable, b is fixed.


public static IntIntFunction swapArgs(IntIntFunction function)
Constructs a function that returns function.apply(b,a), i.e. applies the function with the first operand as second operand and the second operand as first operand.

function - a function taking operands in the form function.apply(a,b).
the binary function function(b,a).


public static IntFunction xor(int b)
Constructs a function that returns a | b. a is a variable, b is fixed.

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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