Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Class FloatArithmetic

  extended by cern.jet.math.tfloat.FloatConstants
      extended by cern.jet.math.tfloat.FloatArithmetic

public class FloatArithmetic
extends FloatConstants

Arithmetic functions.

Method Summary
static float binomial(float n, long k)
          Efficiently returns the binomial coefficient, often also referred to as "n over k" or "n choose k".
static float binomial(long n, long k)
          Efficiently returns the binomial coefficient, often also referred to as "n over k" or "n choose k".
static long ceil(float value)
          Returns the smallest long >= value.
static float chbevl(float x, float[] coef, int N)
          Evaluates the series of Chebyshev polynomials Ti at argument x/2.
static float factorial(int k)
          Instantly returns the factorial k!.
static long floor(float value)
          Returns the largest long <= value.
static float log(float base, float value)
          Returns logbasevalue.
static float log10(float value)
          Returns log10value.
static float log2(float value)
          Returns log2value.
static float logFactorial(int k)
          Returns log(k!).
static long longFactorial(int k)
          Instantly returns the factorial k!.
static float stirlingCorrection(int k)
          Returns the StirlingCorrection.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static float binomial(float n,
                             long k)
Efficiently returns the binomial coefficient, often also referred to as "n over k" or "n choose k". The binomial coefficient is defined as (n * n-1 * ... * n-k+1 ) / ( 1 * 2 * ... * k ).

the binomial coefficient.


public static float binomial(long n,
                             long k)
Efficiently returns the binomial coefficient, often also referred to as "n over k" or "n choose k". The binomial coefficient is defined as
  • k<0: 0.
  • k==0 || k==n: 1.
  • k==1 || k==n-1: n.
  • else: (n * n-1 * ... * n-k+1 ) / ( 1 * 2 * ... * k ).

the binomial coefficient.


public static long ceil(float value)
Returns the smallest long >= value.
Examples: 1.0 -> 1, 1.2 -> 2, 1.9 -> 2. This method is safer than using (long) Math.ceil(value), because of possible rounding error.


public static float chbevl(float x,
                           float[] coef,
                           int N)
                    throws ArithmeticException
Evaluates the series of Chebyshev polynomials Ti at argument x/2. The series is given by
         - '
  y  =   >   coef[i] T (x/2)
         -            i
Coefficients are stored in reverse order, i.e. the zero order term is last in the array. Note N is the number of coefficients, not the order.

If coefficients are for the interval a to b, x must have been transformed to x -> 2(2x - b - a)/(b-a) before entering the routine. This maps x from (a, b) to (-1, 1), over which the Chebyshev polynomials are defined.

If the coefficients are for the inverted interval, in which (a, b) is mapped to (1/b, 1/a), the transformation required is x -> 2(2ab/x - b - a)/(b-a). If b is infinity, this becomes x -> 4a/x - 1.


Taking advantage of the recurrence properties of the Chebyshev polynomials, the routine requires one more addition per loop than evaluating a nested polynomial of the same degree.

x - argument to the polynomial.
coef - the coefficients of the polynomial.
N - the number of coefficients.


public static float factorial(int k)
Instantly returns the factorial k!.

k - must hold k >= 0.


public static long floor(float value)
Returns the largest long <= value.
Examples: 1.0 -> 1, 1.2 -> 1, 1.9 -> 1
2.0 -> 2, 2.2 -> 2, 2.9 -> 2
This method is safer than using (long) Math.floor(value), because of possible rounding error.


public static float log(float base,
                        float value)
Returns logbasevalue.


public static float log10(float value)
Returns log10value.


public static float log2(float value)
Returns log2value.


public static float logFactorial(int k)
Returns log(k!). Tries to avoid overflows. For k<30 simply looks up a table in O(1). For k>=30 uses stirlings approximation.

k - must hold k >= 0.


public static long longFactorial(int k)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
Instantly returns the factorial k!.

k - must hold k >= 0 && k < 21.


public static float stirlingCorrection(int k)
Returns the StirlingCorrection.

Correction term of the Stirling approximation for log(k!) (series in 1/k, or table values for small k) with int parameter k.

log k! = (k + 1/2)log(k + 1) - (k + 1) + (1/2)log(2Pi) + stirlingCorrection(k + 1)

log k! = (k + 1/2)log(k) - k + (1/2)log(2Pi) + stirlingCorrection(k)

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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