Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Class Polynomial

  extended by cern.jet.math.tdouble.DoubleConstants
      extended by cern.jet.math.tdouble.Polynomial

public class Polynomial
extends DoubleConstants

Polynomial functions.

Method Summary
static double p1evl(double x, double[] coef, int N)
          Evaluates the given polynomial of degree N at x, assuming coefficient of N is 1.0.
static double polevl(double x, double[] coef, int N)
          Evaluates the given polynomial of degree N at x.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static double p1evl(double x,
                           double[] coef,
                           int N)
                    throws ArithmeticException
Evaluates the given polynomial of degree N at x, assuming coefficient of N is 1.0. Otherwise same as polevl().
                     2          N
 y  =  C  + C x + C x  +...+ C x
        0    1     2          N
 where C  = 1 and hence is omitted from the array.
 Coefficients are stored in reverse order:
 coef[0] = C  , ..., coef[N-1] = C  .
            N-1                   0
 Calling arguments are otherwise the same as polevl().
In the interest of speed, there are no checks for out of bounds arithmetic.

x - argument to the polynomial.
coef - the coefficients of the polynomial.
N - the degree of the polynomial.


public static double polevl(double x,
                            double[] coef,
                            int N)
                     throws ArithmeticException
Evaluates the given polynomial of degree N at x.
                     2          N
 y  =  C  + C x + C x  +...+ C x
        0    1     2          N
 Coefficients are stored in reverse order:
 coef[0] = C  , ..., coef[N] = C  .
            N                   0
In the interest of speed, there are no checks for out of bounds arithmetic.

x - argument to the polynomial.
coef - the coefficients of the polynomial.
N - the degree of the polynomial.

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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