Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Interface LongMatrix1DProcedure

public interface LongMatrix1DProcedure

Longerface that represents a condition or procedure object: takes a single argument and returns a boolean value.

Method Summary
 boolean apply(LongMatrix1D element)
          Applies a procedure to an argument.

Method Detail


boolean apply(LongMatrix1D element)
Applies a procedure to an argument. Optionally can return a boolean flag to inform the object calling the procedure.

Example: forEach() methods often use procedure objects. To signal to a forEach() method whether iteration should continue normally or terminate (because for example a matching element has been found), a procedure can return false to indicate termination and true to indicate continuation.

element - element passed to the procedure.
a flag to inform the object calling the procedure.

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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