Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Class SmpFloatBlas

  extended by cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo.SmpFloatBlas
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SmpFloatBlas
extends Object
implements FloatBlas

Parallel implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra System for symmetric multi processing boxes. In all cases, no or only marginal speedup is seen for small problem sizes; they are detected and the sequential algorithm is used.

0.9, 16/04/2000
Author:, Piotr Wendykier (

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void assign(FloatMatrix2D A, FloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col]).
 void assign(FloatMatrix2D A, FloatMatrix2D B, FloatFloatFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col]).
 float dasum(FloatMatrix1D x)
          Returns the sum of absolute values; |x[0]| + |x[1]| + ...
 void daxpy(float alpha, FloatMatrix1D x, FloatMatrix1D y)
          Combined vector scaling; y = y + alpha*x.
 void daxpy(float alpha, FloatMatrix2D A, FloatMatrix2D B)
          Combined matrix scaling; B = B + alpha*A.
 void dcopy(FloatMatrix1D x, FloatMatrix1D y)
          Vector assignment (copying); y = x.
 void dcopy(FloatMatrix2D A, FloatMatrix2D B)
          Matrix assignment (copying); B = A.
 float ddot(FloatMatrix1D x, FloatMatrix1D y)
          Returns the dot product of two vectors x and y, which is Sum(x[i]*y[i]).
 void dgemm(boolean transposeA, boolean transposeB, float alpha, FloatMatrix2D A, FloatMatrix2D B, float beta, FloatMatrix2D C)
          Generalized linear algebraic matrix-matrix multiply; C = alpha*A*B + beta*C.
 void dgemv(boolean transposeA, float alpha, FloatMatrix2D A, FloatMatrix1D x, float beta, FloatMatrix1D y)
          Generalized linear algebraic matrix-vector multiply; y = alpha*A*x + beta*y.
 void dger(float alpha, FloatMatrix1D x, FloatMatrix1D y, FloatMatrix2D A)
          Performs a rank 1 update; A = A + alpha*x*y'.
 float dnrm2(FloatMatrix1D x)
          Return the 2-norm; sqrt(x[0]^2 + x[1]^2 + ...).
 void drot(FloatMatrix1D x, FloatMatrix1D y, float c, float s)
          Applies a givens plane rotation to (x,y); x = c*x + s*y; y = c*y - s*x.
 void drotg(float a, float b, float[] rotvec)
          Constructs a Givens plane rotation for (a,b).
 void dscal(float alpha, FloatMatrix1D x)
          Vector scaling; x = alpha*x.
 void dscal(float alpha, FloatMatrix2D A)
          Matrix scaling; A = alpha*A.
 void dswap(FloatMatrix1D x, FloatMatrix1D y)
          Swaps the elements of two vectors; y <==> x.
 void dswap(FloatMatrix2D A, FloatMatrix2D B)
          Swaps the elements of two matrices; B <==> A.
 void dsymv(boolean isUpperTriangular, float alpha, FloatMatrix2D A, FloatMatrix1D x, float beta, FloatMatrix1D y)
          Symmetric matrix-vector multiplication; y = alpha*A*x + beta*y.
 void dtrmv(boolean isUpperTriangular, boolean transposeA, boolean isUnitTriangular, FloatMatrix2D A, FloatMatrix1D x)
          Triangular matrix-vector multiplication; x = A*x or x = A'*x.
 int idamax(FloatMatrix1D x)
          Returns the index of largest absolute value; i such that |x[i]| == max(|x[0]|,|x[1]|,...)..
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SmpFloatBlas()
Method Detail


public void assign(FloatMatrix2D A,
                   FloatFunction function)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col]).

Specified by:
assign in interface FloatBlas
A - the matrix to modify.
function - a function object taking as argument the current cell's value.
See Also:


public void assign(FloatMatrix2D A,
                   FloatMatrix2D B,
                   FloatFloatFunction function)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col]).

Specified by:
assign in interface FloatBlas
A - the matrix to modify.
B - the secondary matrix to operate on.
function - a function object taking as first argument the current cell's value of this, and as second argument the current cell's value of y,
See Also:


public float dasum(FloatMatrix1D x)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Returns the sum of absolute values; |x[0]| + |x[1]| + ... . In fact equivalent to x.aggregate(, cern.jet.math.Functions.abs) .

Specified by:
dasum in interface FloatBlas
x - the first vector.


public void daxpy(float alpha,
                  FloatMatrix1D x,
                  FloatMatrix1D y)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Combined vector scaling; y = y + alpha*x. In fact equivalent to y.assign(x,cern.jet.math.Functions.plusMult(alpha)).

Specified by:
daxpy in interface FloatBlas
alpha - a scale factor.
x - the first source vector.
y - the second source vector, this is also the vector where results are stored.


public void daxpy(float alpha,
                  FloatMatrix2D A,
                  FloatMatrix2D B)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Combined matrix scaling; B = B + alpha*A. In fact equivalent to B.assign(A,cern.jet.math.Functions.plusMult(alpha)).

Specified by:
daxpy in interface FloatBlas
alpha - a scale factor.
A - the first source matrix.
B - the second source matrix, this is also the matrix where results are stored.


public void dcopy(FloatMatrix1D x,
                  FloatMatrix1D y)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Vector assignment (copying); y = x. In fact equivalent to y.assign(x).

Specified by:
dcopy in interface FloatBlas
x - the source vector.
y - the destination vector.


public void dcopy(FloatMatrix2D A,
                  FloatMatrix2D B)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Matrix assignment (copying); B = A. In fact equivalent to B.assign(A).

Specified by:
dcopy in interface FloatBlas
A - the source matrix.
B - the destination matrix.


public float ddot(FloatMatrix1D x,
                  FloatMatrix1D y)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Returns the dot product of two vectors x and y, which is Sum(x[i]*y[i]). In fact equivalent to x.zDotProduct(y).

Specified by:
ddot in interface FloatBlas
x - the first vector.
y - the second vector.
the sum of products.


public void dgemm(boolean transposeA,
                  boolean transposeB,
                  float alpha,
                  FloatMatrix2D A,
                  FloatMatrix2D B,
                  float beta,
                  FloatMatrix2D C)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Generalized linear algebraic matrix-matrix multiply; C = alpha*A*B + beta*C. In fact equivalent to A.zMult(B,C,alpha,beta,transposeA,transposeB). Note: Matrix shape conformance is checked after potential transpositions.

Specified by:
dgemm in interface FloatBlas
transposeA - set this flag to indicate that the multiplication shall be performed on A'.
transposeB - set this flag to indicate that the multiplication shall be performed on B'.
alpha - a scale factor.
A - the first source matrix.
B - the second source matrix.
beta - a scale factor.
C - the third source matrix, this is also the matrix where results are stored.


public void dgemv(boolean transposeA,
                  float alpha,
                  FloatMatrix2D A,
                  FloatMatrix1D x,
                  float beta,
                  FloatMatrix1D y)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Generalized linear algebraic matrix-vector multiply; y = alpha*A*x + beta*y. In fact equivalent to A.zMult(x,y,alpha,beta,transposeA). Note: Matrix shape conformance is checked after potential transpositions.

Specified by:
dgemv in interface FloatBlas
transposeA - set this flag to indicate that the multiplication shall be performed on A'.
alpha - a scale factor.
A - the source matrix.
x - the first source vector.
beta - a scale factor.
y - the second source vector, this is also the vector where results are stored.


public void dger(float alpha,
                 FloatMatrix1D x,
                 FloatMatrix1D y,
                 FloatMatrix2D A)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Performs a rank 1 update; A = A + alpha*x*y'. Example:
         A = { {6,5}, {7,6} }, x = {1,2}, y = {3,4}, alpha = 1 -->
         A = { {9,9}, {13,14} }

Specified by:
dger in interface FloatBlas
alpha - a scalar.
x - an m element vector.
y - an n element vector.
A - an m by n matrix.


public float dnrm2(FloatMatrix1D x)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Return the 2-norm; sqrt(x[0]^2 + x[1]^2 + ...). In fact equivalent to (float)Math.sqrt(Algebra.DEFAULT.norm2(x)).

Specified by:
dnrm2 in interface FloatBlas
x - the vector.


public void drot(FloatMatrix1D x,
                 FloatMatrix1D y,
                 float c,
                 float s)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Applies a givens plane rotation to (x,y); x = c*x + s*y; y = c*y - s*x.

Specified by:
drot in interface FloatBlas
x - the first vector.
y - the second vector.
c - the cosine of the angle of rotation.
s - the sine of the angle of rotation.


public void drotg(float a,
                  float b,
                  float[] rotvec)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Constructs a Givens plane rotation for (a,b). Taken from the LINPACK translation from FORTRAN to Java, interface slightly modified. In the LINPACK listing DROTG is attributed to Jack Dongarra

Specified by:
drotg in interface FloatBlas
a - rotational elimination parameter a.
b - rotational elimination parameter b.
rotvec - Must be at least of length 4. On output contains the values {a,b,c,s}.


public void dscal(float alpha,
                  FloatMatrix1D x)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Vector scaling; x = alpha*x. In fact equivalent to x.assign(cern.jet.math.Functions.mult(alpha)).

Specified by:
dscal in interface FloatBlas
alpha - a scale factor.
x - the first vector.


public void dscal(float alpha,
                  FloatMatrix2D A)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Matrix scaling; A = alpha*A. In fact equivalent to A.assign(cern.jet.math.Functions.mult(alpha)).

Specified by:
dscal in interface FloatBlas
alpha - a scale factor.
A - the matrix.


public void dswap(FloatMatrix1D x,
                  FloatMatrix1D y)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Swaps the elements of two vectors; y <==> x. In fact equivalent to y.swap(x).

Specified by:
dswap in interface FloatBlas
x - the first vector.
y - the second vector.


public void dswap(FloatMatrix2D A,
                  FloatMatrix2D B)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Swaps the elements of two matrices; B <==> A.

Specified by:
dswap in interface FloatBlas
A - the first matrix.
B - the second matrix.


public void dsymv(boolean isUpperTriangular,
                  float alpha,
                  FloatMatrix2D A,
                  FloatMatrix1D x,
                  float beta,
                  FloatMatrix1D y)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Symmetric matrix-vector multiplication; y = alpha*A*x + beta*y. Where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vectors and A is an n by n symmetric matrix. A can be in upper or lower triangular format.

Specified by:
dsymv in interface FloatBlas
isUpperTriangular - is A upper triangular or lower triangular part to be used?
alpha - scaling factor.
A - the source matrix.
x - the first source vector.
beta - scaling factor.
y - the second vector holding source and destination.


public void dtrmv(boolean isUpperTriangular,
                  boolean transposeA,
                  boolean isUnitTriangular,
                  FloatMatrix2D A,
                  FloatMatrix1D x)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Triangular matrix-vector multiplication; x = A*x or x = A'*x. Where x is an n element vector and A is an n by n unit, or non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix.

Specified by:
dtrmv in interface FloatBlas
isUpperTriangular - is A upper triangular or lower triangular?
transposeA - set this flag to indicate that the multiplication shall be performed on A'.
isUnitTriangular - true --> A is assumed to be unit triangular; false --> A is not assumed to be unit triangular
A - the source matrix.
x - the vector holding source and destination.


public int idamax(FloatMatrix1D x)
Description copied from interface: FloatBlas
Returns the index of largest absolute value; i such that |x[i]| == max(|x[0]|,|x[1]|,...)..

Specified by:
idamax in interface FloatBlas
x - the vector to search through.
the index of largest absolute value (-1 if x is empty).

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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