Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Package cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.solver

Iterative solvers BiCG - BiConjugate gradients. BiCGstab - BiConjugate gradients stabilized. CG - Conjugate gradients. CGS - Conjugate gradients squared. Chebyshev - The Chebyshev iteration for symmetrical, positive definite matrices. GMRES - Generalized minimal residual using restart. IR - Iterative refinement (Richardson's method). QMR - Quasi-minimal residual. HyBR - Hybrid Bidiagonalization Regularization. MRNSD - Modified Residual Norm Steepest Descent. CGLS - Conjugate Gradient for Least Squares.


Interface Summary
DoubleIterationMonitor Monitors the iterative solution process for convergence and divergence.
DoubleIterationReporter Reports on the progress of an iterative solver
DoubleIterativeSolver Iterative linear solver.

Class Summary
AbstractDoubleIterationMonitor Partial implementation of an iteration reporter
AbstractDoubleIterativeSolver Partial implementation of an iterative solver
DefaultDoubleIterationMonitor Default iteration monitor.
DoubleBiCG BiCG solver.
DoubleBiCGstab BiCG stablized solver.
DoubleCG Conjugate Gradients solver.
DoubleCGLS CGLS is Conjugate Gradient for Least Squares method used for solving large-scale, ill-posed inverse problems of the form: b = A*x + noise.
DoubleCGS Conjugate Gradients squared solver.
DoubleChebyshev Chebyshev solver.
DoubleGivensRotation Givens plane rotation
DoubleGMRES GMRES solver.
DoubleHyBR HyBR is a Hybrid Bidiagonalization Regularization method used for solving large-scale, ill-posed inverse problems of the form: b = A*x + noise The method combines an iterative Lanczos Bidiagonalization (LBD) Method with an SVD-based regularization method to stabilize the semiconvergence behavior that is characteristic of many ill-posed problems.
DoubleIR Iterative Refinement.
DoubleMRNSD MRNSD is Modified Residual Norm Steepest Descent method used for solving large-scale, ill-posed inverse problems of the form: b = A*x + noise.
DoubleQMR Quasi-Minimal Residual method.
NoDoubleIterationReporter An iteration reporter which does nothing.

Enum Summary
DoubleNotConvergedException.Reason Possible reasons for lack of convergence

Exception Summary
DoubleNotConvergedException Signals lack of convergence of an iterative process
IterativeSolverDoubleNotConvergedException Exception for lack of convergence in a linear problem.

Package cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.solver Description

Iterative solvers

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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