Parallel Colt 0.9.4

Class WrapperDComplexMatrix2D

  extended by cern.colt.PersistentObject
      extended by cern.colt.matrix.AbstractMatrix
          extended by cern.colt.matrix.AbstractMatrix2D
              extended by cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex.DComplexMatrix2D
                  extended by cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex.impl.WrapperDComplexMatrix2D
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DenseLargeDComplexMatrix2D, DiagonalDComplexMatrix2D, SparseCCDComplexMatrix2D, SparseCCMDComplexMatrix2D, SparseRCDComplexMatrix2D, SparseRCMDComplexMatrix2D

public class WrapperDComplexMatrix2D
extends DComplexMatrix2D

2-d matrix holding complex elements; either a view wrapping another matrix or a matrix whose views are wrappers.

Piotr Wendykier (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
WrapperDComplexMatrix2D(DComplexMatrix2D newContent)
Method Summary
 DComplexMatrix2D assign(double[] values)
          Sets all cells to the state specified by values.
 DComplexMatrix2D assign(float[] values)
          Sets all cells to the state specified by values.
 Object elements()
          Returns the elements of this matrix.
 boolean equals(double[] value)
          Returns whether all cells are equal to the given value.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Compares this object against the specified object.
 void fft2()
          Computes the 2D discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of this matrix.
 void fftColumns()
          Computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of each column of this matrix.
 void fftRows()
          Computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of each row of this matrix.
 DoubleMatrix2D getImaginaryPart()
          Returns the imaginary part of this matrix
 double[] getQuick(int row, int column)
          Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
 DoubleMatrix2D getRealPart()
          Returns the real part of this matrix
 void ifft2(boolean scale)
          Computes the 2D inverse of the discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) of this matrix.
 void ifftColumns(boolean scale)
          Computes the inverse of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of each column of this matrix.
 void ifftRows(boolean scale)
          Computes the inverse of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of each row of this matrix.
 DComplexMatrix2D like(int rows, int columns)
          Construct and returns a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type as the receiver, having the specified number of rows and columns.
 DComplexMatrix1D like1D(int size)
          Construct and returns a new 1-d matrix of the corresponding dynamic type, entirelly independent of the receiver.
 void setQuick(int row, int column, double[] value)
          Sets the matrix cell at coordinate [row,column] to the specified value.
 void setQuick(int row, int column, double re, double im)
          Sets the matrix cell at coordinate [row,column] to the specified value.
 DComplexMatrix1D vectorize()
          Returns a vector obtained by stacking the columns of this matrix on top of one another.
 DComplexMatrix1D viewColumn(int column)
          Constructs and returns a new slice view representing the rows of the given column.
 DComplexMatrix2D viewColumnFlip()
          Constructs and returns a new flip view along the column axis.
 DComplexMatrix2D viewDice()
          Constructs and returns a new dice (transposition) view; Swaps axes; example: 3 x 4 matrix --> 4 x 3 matrix.
 DComplexMatrix2D viewPart(int row, int column, int height, int width)
          Constructs and returns a new sub-range view that is a height x width sub matrix starting at [row,column].
 DComplexMatrix1D viewRow(int row)
          Constructs and returns a new slice view representing the columns of the given row.
 DComplexMatrix2D viewRowFlip()
          Constructs and returns a new flip view along the row axis.
 DComplexMatrix2D viewSelection(int[] rowIndexes, int[] columnIndexes)
          Constructs and returns a new selection view that is a matrix holding the indicated cells.
 DComplexMatrix2D viewStrides(int _rowStride, int _columnStride)
          Constructs and returns a new stride view which is a sub matrix consisting of every i-th cell.
Methods inherited from class cern.colt.matrix.tdcomplex.DComplexMatrix2D
aggregate, aggregate, assign, assign, assign, assign, assign, assign, assign, assign, assign, assignImaginary, assignReal, cardinality, copy, forEachNonZero, get, getConjugateTranspose, getNonZeros, like, set, set, toArray, toString, toString, viewSelection, zMult, zMult, zMult, zMult, zSum
Methods inherited from class cern.colt.matrix.AbstractMatrix2D
checkShape, checkShape, columns, columnStride, index, rows, rowStride, size, toStringShort
Methods inherited from class cern.colt.matrix.AbstractMatrix
ensureCapacity, isView, trimToSize
Methods inherited from class cern.colt.PersistentObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WrapperDComplexMatrix2D(DComplexMatrix2D newContent)
Method Detail


public DComplexMatrix2D assign(double[] values)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Sets all cells to the state specified by values. values is required to have the form re = values[row*rowStride+column*columnStride]; im = values[row*rowStride+column*columnStride+1] and have exactly the same number of rows and columns as the receiver.

The values are copied. So subsequent changes in values are not reflected in the matrix, and vice-versa.

assign in class DComplexMatrix2D
values - the values to be filled into the cells.
this (for convenience only).


public DComplexMatrix2D assign(float[] values)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Sets all cells to the state specified by values. values is required to have the form re = values[row*rowStride+column*columnStride]; im = values[row*rowStride+column*columnStride+1] and have exactly the same number of rows and columns as the receiver.

The values are copied. So subsequent changes in values are not reflected in the matrix, and vice-versa.

assign in class DComplexMatrix2D
values - the values to be filled into the cells.
this (for convenience only).


public Object elements()
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Returns the elements of this matrix.

Specified by:
elements in class DComplexMatrix2D
the elements


public boolean equals(double[] value)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Returns whether all cells are equal to the given value.

equals in class DComplexMatrix2D
value - the value to test against.
true if all cells are equal to the given value, false otherwise.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Compares this object against the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is at least a DoubleMatrix2D object that has the same number of columns and rows as the receiver and has exactly the same values at the same coordinates.

equals in class DComplexMatrix2D
obj - the object to compare with.
true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.


public double[] getQuick(int row,
                         int column)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].

Provided with invalid parameters this method may return invalid objects without throwing any exception. You should only use this method when you are absolutely sure that the coordinate is within bounds. Precondition (unchecked): 0 <= column < columns() && 0 <= row < rows().

Specified by:
getQuick in class DComplexMatrix2D
row - the index of the row-coordinate.
column - the index of the column-coordinate.
the value at the specified coordinate.


public DComplexMatrix2D like(int rows,
                             int columns)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Construct and returns a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type as the receiver, having the specified number of rows and columns. For example, if the receiver is an instance of type DenseComplexMatrix2D the new matrix must also be of type DenseComplexMatrix2D. In general, the new matrix should have internal parametrization as similar as possible.

Specified by:
like in class DComplexMatrix2D
rows - the number of rows the matrix shall have.
columns - the number of columns the matrix shall have.
a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type.


public DComplexMatrix1D like1D(int size)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Construct and returns a new 1-d matrix of the corresponding dynamic type, entirelly independent of the receiver. For example, if the receiver is an instance of type DenseComplexMatrix2D the new matrix must be of type DenseComplexMatrix1D.

Specified by:
like1D in class DComplexMatrix2D
size - the number of cells the matrix shall have.
a new matrix of the corresponding dynamic type.


public void fft2()
Computes the 2D discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of this matrix.


public void fftColumns()
Computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of each column of this matrix.


public void fftRows()
Computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of each row of this matrix.


public void ifftColumns(boolean scale)
Computes the inverse of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of each column of this matrix.


public void ifftRows(boolean scale)
Computes the inverse of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of each row of this matrix.


public void ifft2(boolean scale)
Computes the 2D inverse of the discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) of this matrix.

scale - if true then scaling is performed


public void setQuick(int row,
                     int column,
                     double[] value)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Sets the matrix cell at coordinate [row,column] to the specified value.

Provided with invalid parameters this method may access illegal indexes without throwing any exception. You should only use this method when you are absolutely sure that the coordinate is within bounds. Precondition (unchecked): 0 <= column < columns() && 0 <= row < rows().

Specified by:
setQuick in class DComplexMatrix2D
row - the index of the row-coordinate.
column - the index of the column-coordinate.
value - the value to be filled into the specified cell.


public void setQuick(int row,
                     int column,
                     double re,
                     double im)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Sets the matrix cell at coordinate [row,column] to the specified value.

Provided with invalid parameters this method may access illegal indexes without throwing any exception. You should only use this method when you are absolutely sure that the coordinate is within bounds. Precondition (unchecked): 0 <= column < columns() && 0 <= row < rows().

Specified by:
setQuick in class DComplexMatrix2D
row - the index of the row-coordinate.
column - the index of the column-coordinate.
re - the real part of the value to be filled into the specified cell.
im - the imaginary part of the value to be filled into the specified cell.


public DComplexMatrix1D vectorize()
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Returns a vector obtained by stacking the columns of this matrix on top of one another.

Specified by:
vectorize in class DComplexMatrix2D
a vector of columns of this matrix.


public DComplexMatrix1D viewColumn(int column)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Constructs and returns a new slice view representing the rows of the given column. The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa. To obtain a slice view on subranges, construct a sub-ranging view ( viewPart(...)), then apply this method to the sub-range view.

viewColumn in class DComplexMatrix2D
column - the column to fix.
a new slice view.
See Also:


public DComplexMatrix2D viewColumnFlip()
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Constructs and returns a new flip view along the column axis. What used to be column 0 is now column columns()-1, ..., what used to be column columns()-1 is now column 0. The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.

viewColumnFlip in class DComplexMatrix2D
a new flip view.
See Also:


public DComplexMatrix2D viewDice()
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Constructs and returns a new dice (transposition) view; Swaps axes; example: 3 x 4 matrix --> 4 x 3 matrix. The view has both dimensions exchanged; what used to be columns become rows, what used to be rows become columns. This is a zero-copy transposition, taking O(1), i.e. constant time. The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa. Use idioms like result = viewDice(A).copy() to generate an independent transposed matrix.

viewDice in class DComplexMatrix2D
a new dice view.


public DComplexMatrix2D viewPart(int row,
                                 int column,
                                 int height,
                                 int width)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Constructs and returns a new sub-range view that is a height x width sub matrix starting at [row,column]. Operations on the returned view can only be applied to the restricted range. Any attempt to access coordinates not contained in the view will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException.

Note that the view is really just a range restriction: The returned matrix is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned matrix are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.

The view contains the cells from [row,column] to [row+height-1,column+width-1], all inclusive. and has view.rows() == height; view.columns() == width;. A view's legal coordinates are again zero based, as usual. In other words, legal coordinates of the view range from [0,0] to [view.rows()-1==height-1,view.columns()-1==width-1]. As usual, any attempt to access a cell at a coordinate column<0 || column>=view.columns() || row<0 || row>=view.rows() will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException.

viewPart in class DComplexMatrix2D
row - The index of the row-coordinate.
column - The index of the column-coordinate.
height - The height of the box.
width - The width of the box.
the new view.


public DComplexMatrix1D viewRow(int row)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Constructs and returns a new slice view representing the columns of the given row. The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa. To obtain a slice view on subranges, construct a sub-ranging view ( viewPart(...)), then apply this method to the sub-range view.

viewRow in class DComplexMatrix2D
row - the row to fix.
a new slice view.
See Also:


public DComplexMatrix2D viewRowFlip()
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Constructs and returns a new flip view along the row axis. What used to be row 0 is now row rows()-1, ..., what used to be row rows()-1 is now row 0. The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.

viewRowFlip in class DComplexMatrix2D
a new flip view.
See Also:


public DComplexMatrix2D viewSelection(int[] rowIndexes,
                                      int[] columnIndexes)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Constructs and returns a new selection view that is a matrix holding the indicated cells. There holds view.rows() == rowIndexes.length, view.columns() == columnIndexes.length and view.get(i,j) == this.get(rowIndexes[i],columnIndexes[j]). Indexes can occur multiple times and can be in arbitrary order. Note that modifying the index arguments after this call has returned has no effect on the view. The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.

To indicate "all" rows or "all columns", simply set the respective parameter

viewSelection in class DComplexMatrix2D
rowIndexes - The rows of the cells that shall be visible in the new view. To indicate that all rows shall be visible, simply set this parameter to null.
columnIndexes - The columns of the cells that shall be visible in the new view. To indicate that all columns shall be visible, simply set this parameter to null.
the new view.


public DComplexMatrix2D viewStrides(int _rowStride,
                                    int _columnStride)
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Constructs and returns a new stride view which is a sub matrix consisting of every i-th cell. More specifically, the view has this.rows()/rowStride rows and this.columns()/columnStride columns holding cells this.get(i*rowStride,j*columnStride) for all i = 0..rows()/rowStride - 1, j = 0..columns()/columnStride - 1. The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.

viewStrides in class DComplexMatrix2D
_rowStride - the row step factor.
_columnStride - the column step factor.
a new view.


public DoubleMatrix2D getImaginaryPart()
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Returns the imaginary part of this matrix

Specified by:
getImaginaryPart in class DComplexMatrix2D
the imaginary part


public DoubleMatrix2D getRealPart()
Description copied from class: DComplexMatrix2D
Returns the real part of this matrix

Specified by:
getRealPart in class DComplexMatrix2D
the real part

Parallel Colt 0.9.4

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