Outflow driving mechanisms and multi-phase structure in galactic outflows and the circumgalactic medium,
High-z quasars, supermassive black hole growth, quasar cosmic environments,
Numerical implementations of AGN Feedback and black hole accretion into (radiation-)hydrodynamic galaxy formation codes (AREPO, GADGET, RAMSES)
Code development & Simulations
I am currently developing BOLA (Boundary Layer for AGN), an AREPO module that performs black hole accretion and AGN feedback via jets/winds by means of a moving boundary surface. People are welcome to contact me if they would like to use BOLA for their projects.
Documentation for BOLA (Boundary Layer for AGN) can be found here,
Some animations of BOLA energy-driven outflows (LHS: density, RHS: temperature). A proper section with various animations is in the making...
The SPICE simulations
I was involved in the development of the SPICE suite of radiation-hydrodynamic simulations (led by Aniket Bhagwat @MPA, Garching). Aniket has produced some spectacular visualisations, e.g. the temperature, ionising flux and neutral fraction evolution in one of the SPICE boxes:
Upcoming Talks
March 2025: CosmICConnections Seminar (Durham University, UK)
March 2025: Seminar (University of Southampton, UK)
April 2025: Colloquium (Edinburgh University, UK)
June 2025: Focus Week (IFPU, Trieste, Italy)
July 2025: "Quo vadis galaxy evolution?" (Heidelberg, Germany)
July 2025: Plenary Talk, "The role of feedback in galaxy formation: from small-scale winds to large-scale outflows" Thinkshop (Potsdam, Germany)
September 2025: Invited Talk, "Massive Black Holes across Cosmic Time" (KICC, Cambridge, UK)
Selected Publications
Tiago Costa:
The host dark matter haloes of the first quasars, MNRAS (2024), (pdf)
Tiago Costa, Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia, Emanuele P. Farina, Laura C. Keating, Joakim Rosdahl & Taysun Kimm:
AGN-driven outflows and the formation of Ly-alpha nebulae around high-z quasars, MNRAS (2022), (pdf, doi)
Tiago Costa, Joakim Rosdahl, Debora Sijacki & Martin Haehnelt:
Quenching star formation with quasar outflows launched by trapped IR radiation, MNRAS (2018) (pdf, doi)
Tiago Costa, Debora Sijacki & Martin Haehnelt:
Feedback from active galactic nuclei: energy- versus momentum-driving, MNRAS (2014) (pdf, doi)
Tiago Costa, Debora Sijacki, Michele Trenti & Martin Haehnelt:
The environment of bright QSOs at z = 6: star-forming galaxies and X-ray emission, MNRAS (2014) (pdf, doi)
International Collaborations
Synergies between theory and observations:
Accretion Alliance, Durham-Newcastle collaborations on BH growth and AGN feedback,
Quasar Feedback Survey, a systematic multi-wavelength study of low-redshift (z<0.2) Type 1 and Type 2 quasars (core member),
I frequently speak on topics ranging from the solar system to cosmology to primary and high-school audiences. Example talks include:
"O Sistema Solar e o Universo/ The Solar System and the Universe", GS Philipp-Weiß, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany (2019)
"Os buracos negros no centro das galáxias/ The black holes of galactic centres", Escola Raul Proença, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal (2019)
"Breve História do Universo/ Short History of the Universe", Escola D. Pedro V, Lisboa, Portugal (2014, 2015)
You are welcome to contact me via email if you would like me to deliver a talk (in English, German or Portuguese) on these and other topics at your school.