FlashForge Dreamer


The Dreamer is located in the server room, 4.18. The server room is locked; for access to the 3D printer ask Christian Lawson-Perfect in room 4.05c.

How to Print

The Dreamer works in a very similar way to the Finder in that it prints using either a wired connection or via an SD card.

If using an SD card, you must copy over the .gx file produced by None.

Two Colour Printing

On FlashPrint, the extruder tab allows you to set the colours of two different objects. Then, the printer will print in both colours simultaneously. It is useful to use a difference tool on the design program if the second colour is required as an outline or filled in section of a model.

Flashprint may ask you to place models on the plate. This isn’t always necessary; if the second colour model is sitting on top of part of the first colour model, it doesn’t need to be on the plate.


FlashForge Dreamer manual.


Models not sticking to the plate

The base of the model may be very intricate which could mean the model can’t stick to the plate

You may need to add a raft or brim in FlashPrint.

Models curving at edges

If the printing plate is not completely level, models with large bases might curve up at the edges.

Calibrating the printer platform using a model like this one can help to prevent curves.

The Dreamer comes with a thin sheet of plastic - raise the build plate and use the knobs underneath to level it so that you can drag the plastic sheet between the plate and the extruder with a little bit of friction.

Interlocking pieces not fitting together

Sometimes if pieces are supposed to interlock, the precision of the printer means pieces won’t fit exactly

Allowing between half a millimetre and a millimetre of error means pieces should slot together nicely without causing large errors in intricate designs.

Running of colours

If both extruders are running at the same time, sometimes coloured sections can drag.

Adding a wall to the design on Flashprint will catch the majority of dragging filament