The Parrott problem for singular values

David Ogle and Nicholas Young


Appeared in the proceedings of the 1998 IWOTA conference in Groningen, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Vol. 124, Birkhauser, 2001.


We discuss the problem of completing a partially specified matrix $\left[ \begin{array}{cc} A & B \\ C & ? \end{array} \right]$ subject to a bound on the $m$th singular value. A complete solution was given by Arsene, Constantinescu, and Gheondea. We present a more elementary approach appropriate to the matrix case based on the use of M\"{o}bius transformations.

D.J. Ogle's work was supported by an EPSRC grant; this work was also supported by NATO Collaborative grant CRG 971129

Nicholas Young
06 May 1999