A Commutant Lifting Theorem for a Domain in C^2 and Spectral Interpolation

Jim Agler and Nicholas Young


mu-synthesis, interpolation


Appeared in J. Functional Analysis 161(1999) 452-477.


We characterise the pairs of commuting operators on Hilbert space for which the {\em symmetrised bidisc}, defined to be the set $$ \Gamma=\{(\lambda_1 + \lambda_2,\ \lambda_1\lambda_2): |\lambda_1|\le 1,\ |\lambda_2|\le 1\} $$ is a complete spectral set. We give an application to the spectral Nevanlinna-Pick problem: we obtain a necessary condition for the existence of an analytic $2\times 2$ matrix function satisfying interpolation conditions and bounds on eigenvalues.

J. Agler's work is suported by an NSF grant in Modern Analysis. This work was also supported by NATO Collaborative grant CRG 971129

Nicholas Young
25th October 1999