Prof Darren Wilkinson Professor of Stochastic Modelling
School of Mathematics & Statistics
Newcastle University

Normal random variables via the Box-Muller method

We know that if T is Unif(0,2*Pi) and R^2 is Exp(0.5), then X=R*cos(T) is N(0,1). Since we know how to generate uniforms and exponentials, we can use this to generate standard Normal random quantities.

Implementation in R

We can write a vectorised R function to do this as follows.

myrnorm<-function (n) 
        theta <- runif(n, 0, 2 * pi)
        rsq <- rexp(n, 0.5)
        x <- sqrt(rsq) * cos(theta)
theta is a vector of n Unif(0,2*Pi) random quantities, rsq is a vector of Exp(0.5) random quantities, and so we use these to construct x to be our vector of N(0,1) random quantities.

The R source code for this is here: myrnorm.r

Again, because this procedure can be entirely vectorised, it will be very fast and efficient in R, and so there will be little to be gained from re-coding in C.

Implementation in C

In order to get a bit more of a feel for C, we'll see how to write some code to generate Normal random quantities. First rename the urand function from before to be surand (standard-urand). Now define a more general urand as follows.
float urand(float low, float high)
so now urand(a,b) will generate a Unif(a,b) random quantity. The genexp function from before will now need to be modified to call surand rather than urand. We can now define a standard Normal generation function as follows.
float gennor()
  float theta,rsq,x;

Full C source code is here: norm.c

Other implementations

Those who are interested may also wish to look at corresponding code for LISP-STAT: mynorm-rand.lsp, Python: and Sather:

Darren J Wilkinson Book: Stochastic Modelling for
	      Systems Biology