Prof Darren Wilkinson Professor of Stochastic Modelling
School of Mathematics & Statistics
Newcastle University

Stochastic Systems Biology

Computer Practicals

These computer practical sessions are designed to re-enforce the material covered in the lectures. They are not self-contained, and are not step-by-step "recipes". You will have to re-read your notes, read the course texts, read any recommended further reading, as well as lots of on-line documentation in order to progress. This is not accidental, or even (entirely...) due to my laziness... Furthermore, the assessment is intended to be very much open-ended - there is not one single "correct" write-up - I expect everyone's reports to be different, and cover different material. I want to learn something interesting that I didn't already know from each report that I read!

Darren J Wilkinson Book: Stochastic Modelling for
	      Systems Biology