Prof Darren Wilkinson Professor of Stochastic Modelling
School of Mathematics & Statistics
Newcastle University

Parallel Bayesian Computation

Royal Society, Grant # 22873

Dr D J Wilkinson

To develop and test effective parallel computing strategies for computationally-intensive Bayesian inference for very large lattice Markov spatio-temporal models.

An 8 CPU Linux Beowulf cluster will be built, and used to test parallel algorithms for Bayesian computation. Different algorithms will be developed and tested for efficiency in terms of performance increase per processor, taking into account computational overheads associated with process synchronisation, scheduling, and inter-process communication. Once efficient strategies have been identified, these will be used both for on-going spatio-temporal model research on the 8 CPU cluster, and also for evidence supporting a future research council grant proposal for a large parallel-computing facility for Bayesian computation in large highly-structured stochastic systems.

Bayesian inference for very large highly-structured models is usually carried out using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. For very large models with many latent (unobserved) variables, the performance of standard MCMC algorithms based on updating each latent variable in turn is very poor. One strategy for improving performance is to use blocking or local computation techniques for updating many variables simultaneously. Such techniques have been used successfully by the applicant in Boys, Henderson and Wilkinson (2000), Goldstein and Wilkinson (2000), and Wilkinson and Yeung (2002, 2003). Such techniques are very effective for improving the performance of the MCMC scheme, but have a large computational overhead. One particularly effective scheme for blocking explored in Wilkinson and Yeung (2003) is based on the use of sparse matrix techniques. These techniques have been implemented in a (sequential) software libarary, GDAGsim. The performance of this library could be dramatically improved if parallel sparse direct solution algorithms such as provided by the PSPASES library were used. Alternatively, updating schemes based on many blocks can speeded up if the updating scheme is chosen carefully, and conditionally independent blocks are updated in parallel using a message-passing scheme based on the Message-Passing Interface (MPI). The relative efficiency of different schemes will depend on the precise topology of the underlying conditional independence structure for the model, and a major goal of the project is to identify parallelisation techniques that are particularly effective in the context of lattice Markov spatio-temporal models.

Progress report

Darren J Wilkinson Book: Stochastic Modelling for
	      Systems Biology