North British Functional Analysis Newsletter NBFAS Home Page

North British Functional Analysis Seminar Newsletter 9. - March 1996

Welcome to another issue of the NBFAS Newsletter. Once again, contributors have provided a wealth of information and comment: reports of last year's events, reviews of books just published and news of books expected in 1996, lists of preprints and recent publications, news of visitors and new appointees. My thanks to all who contributed.

Unfortunately there was no information from Lancaster in last year's Newsletter. They make up for it this year with a bumper crop of papers and news.

If you have any comments or suggestions for the Newsletter, or any items for the next issue, do write to me at:

Dr. M.C. White Tel: +44 (0)191 222 7304
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Tel: +44 (0)191 222 6000 FAX: +44 (0)191 222 8020
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne

Table of Contents

There is also a gzip version of the dvi source here.


PEOPLE IN 1995 AND 1996



The bracketed letters after a name indicate the relevant member university (e.g. (LE) = Leeds, (LA) = Lancaster). Departmental addresses are listed at the end of the Newsletter.

R.J. Archbold (Abdn) and E. Kaniuth, On the primitive ideal space of a finitely generated nilpotent group, \toappearin {Math. Forum}

R.J. Archbold (Abdn) and E. Kaniuth, Simply connected nilpotent Lie groups with quasi-standard $C^*$-algebras.

R.J. Archbold (Abdn), E. Kaniuth, G. Schlichting and D.W.B. Somerset (Abdn) Ideal spaces of the Haagerup tensor product of $C^*$-algebras.

R.J. Archbold (Abdn) and J.S. Spielberg, Upper and lower multiplicity for irreducible representations of $C^*$-algebras, II.

W.G. Bade, H.G. Dales (LE) and Z.A. Lychova (LA), Algebraic and strong splittings of extensions of Banach algebras

J. W. Baker and M. Filali, Minimal ideals in group algebras and their biduals.

L. Baratchart, J. Leblond, J.R. Partington (LE) and N. Torkhani, Robust identification in the disc algebra from band-limited data.

L. Baratchart, J. Leblond and J.R. Partington (LE), Hardy approximation to $L^\infty$ functions on subsets of the circle.

G. Blower (LA), Stationary processes for Translation Operators, 30 pages, to appear in Proc. London Math. Soc..

G. Blower (LA), Abel means of operator-valued processes, 17 pages, to appear in Studia Mathematica.

G. Blower (LA), Quadratic integrals and factorization of linear operators, 18 pages,to appear in J. London Math. Soc..

G. Blower (LA), Multipliers for semigroups, 12 pages, to appear in Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc..

G. Blower (LA), Complete polynomial bounds for matrices, preprint.

A.L.Brown (NCL) \& H.L.Vasudeva, The Calculus of Operator Functions, Operator Monotonicity and Operator Convexity.

H.G. Dales (LE) and R.J. Loy, Uniqueness of norm for Banach algebras with finite-dimensional radical.

P. G. Dixon, Topologically irreducible representations and radicals in Banach algebras.

A.P. Donsig (LA) and Alan Hopenwasser, Order Preservation in Limit Algebras, J. of Funct. Anal. (1995)

A.P. Donsig (LA) and T.D. Hudson, The Lattice of Ideals of a TAF Algebra, to appear in J. of Funct. Anal..

A.P. Donsig (LA) and J.R. Peters, Nest Algebras with Locally Constant Cocycles, to appear in Proc. London Math. Soc..

N.F. Dudley Ward (LE) and J.R. Partington (LE), Robust identification in the disc algebra using rational wavelets and orthonormal basis functions.

N.F. Dudley Ward (LE) and J.R. Partington (LE), A construction of rational wavelets and frames in Hardy-Sobolev spaces with applications to system modelling.

J. Eschmeier (LE), $H^\infty$ functional calculus for spherical contractions.

T. Feeman (LA), The Bourgain algebra of a nest algebra.

J. J. Green, (research student, Sheffield), Banach algebras of topologically bounded index.

D. Heffernan (LA), Uniformly $T_2$ algebras in approximately finite-dimensional $C^*$-algebras, to appear in J. London Math. Soc..

G.J.O. Jameson (LA), Khinchin's inequality for operators, to appear in Glasgow Math. Jour..

G.J.O. Jameson (LA), 2-convexity and 2-concavity in Schatten ideals, to appear in Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc..

E.C. Lance (LE), The compact quantum group $SO(3)_q$.

A. Moran, (research student, Sheffield), Minimal normal systems in compact right topological groups.

J.R. Partington (LE) and P.M. Mäkilä, Modelling of linear fading-memory systems.

S.C. Power (LA), K.R.Davidson and V.I.Paulsen, Tree algebras, semidiscreteness and dilation theory, Proc. London Math. Soc. 68 (1994), 178-202.

S.C. Power (LA), Infinite lexicographic products of triangular algebras, Bull. London Math. Soc. 27 (1995) 273-277.

S.C. Power (LA), Homology for Operator Algebras I : Spectral homology for reflexive algebras J. Functional Analysis, 131 (1995), 29-53.

S.C. Power (LA), Lexicographic semigroupoids to appear in J. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.

S.C. Power (LA), Homology for Operator Algebras II :Stable homology for non-self-adjoint algebras, to appear in J. Functional Anal..

S.C. Power (LA), On the Banach space isomorphism type of AF C*-algebras and their triangular subalgebras, to appear in Israel J. Math..

S.C. Power (LA) and C. Laurie, On the $C^*$-envelope of approximately finite-dimensional operator algebras, to appear in Math. Skand..

S.C. Power (LA) and A. Katavolos, The Fourier Binest Algebra, preprint.

S.C. Power (LA), Homology for Operator Algebras III : Partial isometry homotopy and triangular algebras, preprint.

S.C. Power (LA) and A.P.Donsig (LA), The failure of approximate inner conjugacy for standard diagonals in regular limit algebras, preprint.

S.C. Power (LA) and A.P.Donsig (LA) Homology for Operator Algebras IV : On the regular classification of limits of 4-cycle algebras, preprint.

S.C. Power (LA), Completely contractive representations of some doubly generated antisymmetric operator algebras, preprint

J. Pym (Shef) and J. Laali, Concepts of Arens regularity for general measure algebras Quarterly J. Math..

J. Pym (Shef), A. T. Lau and P. Milnes, Locally compact groups, invariant means and the centres of compactifications J. London Math. Soc.\

P. Quiggin (LA), For which reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces is Pick's theorem true?, to appear in J. Integral Equations and Operator Theory.

D.W.B. Somerset (Abdn), The local multiplier algebra of a C$^*$-algebra \toappearin {Quart. J. M. Oxford}

D.W.B. Somerset (Abdn), The proximinality of the centre of a C$^*$-algebra

D.W.B. Somerset (Abdn), The central Haagerup tensor product of a C$^*$-algebra

M.P. Thomas (LE), Single-element properties in commutative radical Banach algebras: a classification scheme.

M.P. Thomas (LE), Closed ideals in the Banach algebra $l^1(\omega)$ when $\omega$ is $\epsilon$-star-shaped.

N.J. Young (LA) and V.V. Peller, Superoptimal singular values and indices of matrix functions, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 20 (1994) 350-363.

N.J. Young (LA), The spectral Nevanlinna-Pick problem and scalar complex interpolation, Linear Complex Analysis Problem Book, Part 1, Lecture Notes in Math., Springer, Berlin, 1994, no. 1573.

N.J. Young (LA) and V. Peller, Superoptimal analytic approximation of matrix functions, J. Funct. Anal. 120 (1994), 300-343.

N.J. Young (LA) and V. Peller, Superoptimal approximation by meromorphic functions, to appear in Math. Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc., 19pp.


R.J. Archbold (Abdn), On residually finite-dimensional $C^*$-algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995) 2935-2937.

G. Blower (LA), On the stochastic spectral radius formula, Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2) } 46 (1995) 1-10.

P.G.Dixon, Banach algebras satisfying the non-unital von Neumann inequality, Bull. London Math. Soc., 27 (1995), 359-362.

N.F. Dudley Ward (LE) and P.C. Fenton, Some results of Phragmén-Lindelöf type, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 192 (1995), 63-70.

J. Eschmeier (LE) and M. Putinar, The finite fibre problem and an index formula for elementary operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), 743-746.

G.J.O. Jameson (LA), A specific form of Grothendieck's inequality for the two-dimensional case, with applications to $C^*$-algebras, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 37 (1994), 521-537.

G.J.O. Jameson (LA), The number of elements required to determine (p,1)-summing norms, Illinois J. Math., 39 (1995) 251-257.

Z. Lykova (LA), The homology of C*-algebras, Linear Complex Analysis Problem Book, Part 1, Lecture Notes in Math., Springer, Berlin, 1994, no. 1573, 79-82.

P.M. Mäkilä and J.R. Partington (LE), On bounded-error identification of feedback systems, Int. J. Adaptive Control and Sig. Processing 9 (1995), 47-61.

J.R. Partington (LE) and P.M. Mäkilä, Worst case analysis of the least squares method and related identification methods, Sys. Control Lett. 24 (1995), 193-200.

J.R. Partington (LE) and P.M. Mäkilä, Analysis of linear methods for robust identification in $\ell_1$, Automatica 31 (1995), 755-758.

John Pym (Shef) and A. T. Lau, The topological centre of a compactification of a locally compact group, Math. Z. 219 (1995) 567-579.

P.M. Mäkilä, J.R. Partington (LE) and T.K. Gustafsson, Worst-case control-relevant identification, Automatica 31 (1995), 1799-1819.


Lai Qinsheng, Weighted inequalities for some classical integral operators, Ph.D., University of Leeds, 1995.

Lai Qinsheng is currently working in Edinburgh with Tony Carbery.

Jason Clarke, Hilbert C*-modules and their unbounded operators, Ph.D., University of Leeds, 1995.

Jason Clarke has gone to work as a trainee accountant with Arthur Andersen's. From what he tells ECL, they are keeping him very busy (but paying him a lot!).

Martin Wignall, The Laplace Operator on Hyperbolic Space, M.Phil., University of Lancaster.

David Heffernan, Some non-self-adjoint Limit Algebras, Ph.D., University of Lancaster.