A J Duncan : Publications and Preprints
- Two Topics &in Commutative Ring Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1988.
- A. Duncan and L.O'Carroll, A full Uniform Artin-Rees Theorem.
J. reine angew. Math.
394 (1989), 203-207.
- A. Duncan and L. O'Carroll, On Zariski-regularity, the vanishing of Tor and a
uniform Artin-Rees theorem. In Topics in Algebra,
Banach Centre Publications. vol. 26, part 2 (PWN Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 1990), pp. 49-55.
- Infinite coverings of ideals by cosets with applications to regular sequences and balanced big
Cohen-Macaulay modules.
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.
107 (1990), 443-460.
- A. Duncan and J. Howie, The Genus Problem for one-relator products of locally indicable groups.
Math. Z., 208 (1991), 225-237.
- A. Duncan and J. Howie, The non-orientable genus problem for one-relator products.
Comm. in Alg., 19 (1991), 2547-2556.
- Zariski Regularity and a Nullstellensatz with nilpotents.
J. Algebra, 161, (1993) no. 2, 524-534. ISSN 0021-8693
- A. Duncan and J. Howie, Spelling Theorems and a Cohen-Lyndon Theorem for one-relator
products of groups.
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 92 (1994) no. 2, 123-136. ISSN 0022-4049
- A. Duncan and J. Howie, Weinbaum's conjecture on unique subwords of nonperiodic words.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 115 (1992) no. 4, 947-954. ISSN 0002-9939
- A. Duncan and J. Howie, The 3-Torus is Kervaire. In: Proceedings of the AMS Workshop
on Geometric Topology, Technion, Haifa, 1992, Contemp. Math. 164 AMS 1994.
ISBN 0-831-85182-9
- A. Duncan and J. Howie, One-relator products with high powered relators.
in Geometric Group Theory, Sussex, Volume 1 Proceedings of the Symposium
held in Sussex, 1991, G.A.Niblo and M.A.Roller (Eds.), LMS Lecture Note Series, 181,
Cambridge University Press, 1993. ISBN 0-521-43529-3
- A. Duncan, N. Gilbert and G. Ellis, A Mayer-Vietoris sequence in group homology and the decomposition of relation modules.
Glasgow Math. J., 37 (1995), no. 2, 159-171. ISSN 0017-0895
- Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory. Papers from the
Workshop on Geometric and Combinatorial Methods in Group Theory held
at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1993. Edited by A J Duncan,
N D Gilbert and James Howie. LMS Lecture Note Series 204.
Cambridge University Press, 1995 x+325 pp. ISBN 0-521-46595-8
- A. Duncan, E. Robertson and N. Ruskuc,
Automatic Monoids and Change of generators.
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 127 (1999) no. 2, 403-409.
- A. Duncan and R.H. Gilman, Word Hyperbolic Semigroups. Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 136 (2004) no. 3, 513--524.
- Michael Batty, Samuel L.  Braunstein, Andrew Duncan &and Sarah Rees,
Quantum algorithms in group theory, In "AMS/ASL Joint special session, Interactions between Logic, Group Theory and Computer Science" Contemporary Mathematics (Proceedings), 349 (2004)
- Michael Batty and Samuel L.  Braunstein, Andrew Duncan,
Extending the Promise of the Deutsch--Jozsa--Hoyer Algorithm for Finite Groups, LMS Jour. Computation and
Mathematics 9 (2006) 40-63.
- A. Duncan, I.V. Kazachkov and V.N. Remeslennikov,
Centraliser Dimension and Universal Classes of Groups, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 3 (2006) 197-215.
- A. Duncan, I.V. Kazachkov and V.N. Remeslennikov,
Centraliser Dimension of Partially Commutative Groups, Geometriae Dedicata, 120 (2006) 73-97.
- Exponential genus problems in one--relator products of groups, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 186 no. 873, (2007).
- A. Duncan, I.V. Kazachkov and V.N. Remeslennikov,
Parabolic and Quasiparabolic Subgroups of Free Partially Commutative Groups, Journal of Algebra, 318 (2) (2007) 918-932.
- Michael Batty, Andrea Casaccino, Andrew Duncan, Sarah Rees and Simone
Severini, An application of the Deutsch-Josza algorithm to formal languages and the word problem in groups, In: Theory of Quantum Computation,
Communication and Cryptography, Third Workshop (TQC) January 30 - February 1, 2008, Tokyo, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008.
- A. Duncan, I.V. Kazachkov and V.N. Remeslennikov,
Orthogonal Systems in Finite Graphs, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports,
5 (2008) 151-176.
- A. Duncan, I.V. Kazachkov and V.N. Remeslennikov,
Stability of Universal Equivalence of Groups under Free Constructions, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports (to appear) .
- A. Duncan and A. Vdovina,
Square free words as products of commutators , Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 3 no. 3 (2009) 379-387.
- V. Diekert, A. Duncan and A. Miasnikov,
Geodesic rewriting systems and pregroups. In
Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory,
Dortmund and Carleton Conferences.
Series: Trends in Mathematics
Bogopolski, O.; Bumagin, I.; Kharlampovich, O.; Ventura, E. (Eds.)
- A. Duncan, I.V. Kazachkov and V.N. Remeslennikov,
Automorphisms of Partially Commutative Groups I:
Linear Subgroups. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 4 no. 4, (2010)739-757.
V. Diekert, A. Duncan and A.G. Myasnikov, Cyclic rewriting and conjugacy problems, Groups Complexity Cryptology 4 no. 2 (2012) 321-355.
A.J. Duncan and V.N. Remeslennikov, Automorphism of partially commutative groups II: Combinatorial subgroups,
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 22 no. 7 (2012) 1250074.
M. Casals-Ruiz, A. Duncan and I. Kazachkov, Embedddings between partially commutative groups: two counterexamples, Journal of Algebra to appear.
Last modified: Tue May 28 18:17:38 BST 2013