Professor Guyan Robertson

I have retired!

Research Articles

  • List of publications through MathSciNet

    My research articles and preprints are available for downloading here.

  • Research Articles

  • Research

    My present research interests lie in the general area of Analysis and Geometry on Groups, but I often cross the boundaries of other areas of mathematics. I am particularly interested in the analysis of higher rank groups, and their actions on spaces of nonpositive curvature. There are close connections with ergodic theory, geometric group theory, algebraic topology and C*-algebraic K-theory. Current projects include:

  • The structure of operator algebras associated with certain groups. The groups in question act on trees, euclidean buildings and riemannian symmetric spaces. The geometry of these spaces is reflected in the analytic structure of the operator algebras.
  • Classification of boundary actions of lattice subgroups of real and p-adic Lie groups, and K-theory of the corresponding crossed product C*-algebras. This work studies the asymptotic structure of higher rank groups.

  • Research Talks

    Selected talks are available here.

  • Talks

  • Contact
